12/31/2016 Chippy's sleeping puppies 39 days old

12/31/2016 Gladys's sleeping Puppies 24 days old

12/30/2016 Chippy's Puppies 38 Days Old

12/21/2016 Jack's Puppy 29 days old

12/21/2016 Chippy's puppies 4 weeks old. Tom's-blue dot on neck, Shannon's- blue dot on butt, John's- lower right

12/12/2016 20 days old 2 boy Puppies

Tom's on left Shannon's on right

12/12/2016 two boys 20 days old

1 for John & Greg

12/12/2016 Chippy's Puppies 20 days old

12/12/2016 Gladys and her Babies

1 girl goes to Jennifer

November 23, 2016 Tater Chippy and her 6 Babies Tucker is the Dad

4 boy puppies 11 days old December 2, 2016

Just starting to open thier eyes

Hazel & puppies born August 2, 2016

Elvira & Puppies born July 30, 2016

Elsie & Puppies born 7/24/16

Some of Elsie's puppies @ 2 weeks & 2 days 8/9/2016

Elsie's Puppies 3 weeks 4 days old for Billie, Jeri, Savanna, Paula and Becky 8/18/2016

Elvira's Puppies 2 weeks 5 days for Dawn, Casey & Shane 8/18/2016

Hazel's Puppies 2 weeks 2 days for Heather, Sarah & Pual 8/18/2016


The below pictures, taken 9/16/2016 are a mix of Elsie's, Elvira's and Hazel's Puppies.

Their new famlies picked them up so quick we did not get many pictures

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